Tissue Culture is a process of generating many plants through technique of placing cell or tissue in a desired environment of Plants. They demands proper supply of artificial light, humidity and controlled temperature conditions. PTC has a main quality that from any part of mother plant, a hub of plants can be generated. To produce such plants we need a laboratory equipped with different rooms or sections to perform the process of producing plants in the Laboratory.

MEDIA PREPARATION ROOM- Media preparation room needs a spacious environment for the storage of chemicals, glass culture and equipments to manufacture the media. It holds all the essential materials that complete the role of Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory and below is the list of media preparation room’s equipments.


  • Hot plate / magnetic stirrer or stove
  • Glassware (measuring cups, Erlenmeyer) or stainless steel to heat up and dissolve the media Equipment with pressure steam sterilization (autoclave)
  • pH meter Scales (analytical and bench top loading)
  • Glass measuring gradual
  • Culture bottle with lid
  • Dispenser
  • Tools dissection (spatula, scalpel (tweezers), forceps, scissors)
  • Refrigerator
  • Distilling units or water deionizer
  • Oven and Microwave
  • Microscope
  • Pipette measuring
  • Shaker
  • Laminar air flow
  • Disinfectant
  • Chemicals needed to manufacture the media (Appendix) etc.

In the manufacture of media, everything is done step by step with the proper use of equipments at the demand of situation.

WASH ROOM- Wash room is a place which needs to be spacious so that it can carry all necessary equipments to maintain the plants regularly. It should have a sink or wash basin and a desk made of materials resistant to acids and alkalis to prevent the unwanted results at the time of using acid on plants for their treatment.  A storage cabinet or equipment rack to place or store them for long as well as space for oven, washing machine and dryers is important.

SPACE TRANSFER- In transfer area, there are very dry and clean conditions that need to maintained to perform successful operations on an open laboratory bench. Within the transfer area it requires proper flow of air, light and electricity, compressed gas and vacuum. The most useful environment is a small dust free room facilitated with ultra-violet light and a positive pressure ventilation unit.

CULTURE ROOM– All types of plant tissue culture should be developed under conditions of proper temperature, humidity, light and air flow etc. These factors influence the growth of plants during culture or can indirectly affect their response in subsequent generations.

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