Saveer Biotech: Performing Several Activities for the Development of Plants

commercial greenhouseSaveer Biotech Limited has expertise in Arabidopsis Chamber and walk-in environmental chambers, which are used for the research purpose. These chambers are designed specifically to control and maintain the temperature, light and humidity required for the proper growth of plants. The chambers are big enough for a user to walk in and for performing desired activities. Hence, they are called walk-in environmental chambers because these chambers manage to fulfill the purpose of maintaining the required environment 24×7 and enable researchers to enter and perform desired activities for the development of plants.

A Variety of Products

In order to make these chambers highly secure, all the units of the chamber are connected to a central control system with multi-level password protection. Our products are available in different variants with single and double door option. You can also say it as a pre-fabricated growth chamber. Saveer Biotech is the only company in the world which has its own Center of excellence for protected cultivation, doing extensive research to improve crop growing in protected condition – additional saving energy, saving water and optimization of human resource. It also provides a wide range of products for the protection of plants which includes containment facility and Commercial Greenhouse farming in India to protect plants from cold weather, another product is mist chamber, which is a kind of chamber where nursery plants are propagated by cutting, V type nursery facility can be used for mass production of seedlings. Tissue culture labs, it provides complete solution from designing, installation, equipping and production of plantlets on the basis of turnkey. So, there are many solutions which are capable of taking your farming to a new level.

Explore posts in the same categories: Arabidopsis growth chamber, Greenhouse Manufacturer, polyhouse

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